Bellevue Financial Advisors

Tax-Efficient Investing Using Index Funds

A dog might be a person’s best friend, but we believe that tax efficiency and index investing are investors’ best friends. Let us show you how.

Bellevue Financial Advisors

Tax-Efficient Investing Using Index Funds

A dog might be a person’s best friend, but we believe that tax efficiency and index investing are investors’ best friends. Let us show you how.

Tax-Efficient Index Investing

We can summarize our investment philosophy easily: If we really were a dog, we would wag at no-nonsense investments, bark at taxes, and treat our clients the same way we treat our best friends.

At Rain Dog, we believe that literally 90-95% of investment recommendations are either faddish distractions or gambling disguised as investing. We believe that an evidence-based strategy centered on index funds allows us to offer highly personalized service and tax efficiency with better-than-average results at lower-than-average cost.  

Some financial advisors try to justify high fees by offering unusual investments or making frequent changes to your portfolio. We have never seen the sense in increasing your returns by 1% in ways that cause you to lose 5%-10% in taxes. Even with “dog” in our name, we don’t chase such squirrelly ideas.

If you’re open to learning more about tax-efficient index investing, let’s explore how we can support your goals through customized, holistic investment planning based on your unique circumstances.

Empathy, Evidence & Equations

When we meet with you, the first thing we will do is perk up our ears and listen

We have a keen interest in hearing your goals, needs, and dreams. We want to understand how finances fit into your whole story. We then look for ways we can strengthen your financial position based on details that are unique to you.

Once we have a 360-degree view of your finances—and how finances fit into the rest of your life—we develop your unique plan by applying evidence-based, mathematical techniques designed to maximize returns and minimize taxes for your specific circumstances.

If you want to live your life the way you want to live it, off leash, free from worry about your finances, we would love to work with you.

Big Decision Support

We offer investment management support on topics like these:

  • Preparing to buy a second home, pay for college, and other major expenses

  • Optimizing your portfolio around concentrated stock positions, real estate, and other unique personal circumstances

  • Designing a personalized glide path toward retirement that accounts for investment growth, tax efficiency, income needs, major purchases, and other life changes

  • Managing investments during retirement to ensure a reliable combination of growth and income, and minimize taxes

  • Restructuring finances after a marriage, divorce, or loss of a partner

  • Investing a large bonus or inheritance

  • Planning your legacy & estate planning

Our independent, local, fee-only Bellevue financial advisor service is designed to increase your investment returns and reduce your taxes, and we can help in many other ways that are unique to your personal circumstances.

Who We Work With

Our ideal clients are nerdy high achievers who have had some successes in life. We especially like people who ask a lot of questions. And dog lovers!

Our approach aligns best with people who want an evidence-based, mathematically grounded investment management plan that is designed uniquely for them.

Most of our clients are within 5-10 years of retirement or have already retired, but we are happy to work with individuals and families at any life stage.

We are a fiduciary, fee-only advisor. That means we do not receive commissions or any other indirect payments. As a fiduciary, we are legally required to put your interests first.

Our fee structure works best for investors with about $1.25-$10 million in investment assets.

If this sounds good to you, email or give us a call. We don’t bite, and we would love to sit and stay with you awhile to explore whether we can be of assistance.