Why “Rain Dog”?

We chose the name Rain Dog because dogs represent a life full of friendship, loyalty, playfulness, comfort, security, and companionship—everything a person could ask for.

Rain Dog is dedicated to managing your investments so that you can live your life off leash—i.e., live the life you want to live.

Rain Dog’s Values

As a fiduciary, we are legally obligated to put your interests above our own. As an independent Registered Investment Advisor, we do not serve any corporate interests—just our clients’. In addition, we hold ourselves to the following values.


We believe in the nobility of all useful occupations. If you take pride in your work and have done useful things in your life, we would be honored to work with you.


We seek first to understand what matters to you so that we can design plans specific to you. We promise to listen intently and ask questions until we can faithfully support your interests as you see them.


Numeracy = literacy for numbers.
The strength of your financial plan depends on our numeracy. We want to help you be comfortable with financial numbers too, regardless of your math aptitude.


We believe that prosperity is contagious. We want to give you peace of mind about your financial plans so that you can fully enjoy the abundance you have created, and others around you can too.