Why You Should Care About Forecasting
When you hire an investment advisor, you are hiring someone to make forecasts: forecasts about how much your investments will grow, how well your investments will withstand market downturns, and whether your investment strategy will support your goals and dreams as the years go by.
Forecasting is a skill that is distinct from knowledge of financial markets, retirement plans, insurance, estate plans, taxes, and other financial subjects. Advisors who have expertise in these areas do not necessarily have expertise in forecasting. Research for decades has found that most people use simple or even primitive forecasting techniques, even when their expertise in the subject matter they’re forecasting is high.*
Forecasting is central to effective investment planning, and we have unique credentials in this area.
*Tetlock, Philip, and Dan Gardner, 2016. Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction, Crown. McConnell, Steve, 2006. Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art, Microsoft Press. Todd, P. and I. Benbasat, 2000. “Inducing Compensatory Information Processing Through Decision Aids That Facilitate Effort Reduction: An Experimental Assessment,” Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 13(1): 91-106.
Our Story: A Forecasting Approach to Investing
From Steve McConnell, Advisor/Founder:
I didn’t intend to start an investment planning company. I originally just wanted to do some financial planning for my own purposes.
I had worked on investment planning tools at The Russell Company in the 1990s. These were high-end tools that were licensed to fund managers and advisors for $20,000/year and higher. I assumed that, almost 30 years later, similar tools would be available to individual investors. I was surprised to find that they weren’t. The more I looked, the more I found that even the tools used by advisors had limitations that I thought were severe.
I have a deep background in forecasting, and I had experience building investment tools at Russell in the 1990s, so I decided to build my own tool. The result is Rain Dog, a Monte Carlo simulation tool that provides mathematically rigorous insight into complex financial planning questions. Most important, Rain Dog supports analysis and forecasting that can be tailored to your specific circumstances.
Questions our investment forecasting can answer
100% reliable answers are rare in investing, but better answers are nonetheless possible, with the right kind of analysis and support. Rain Dog was designed to answer questions like these, based on your specific circumstances.
Some advisors will give rule of thumb answers to these questions, but those answers might not apply to your specific situation. Rain Dog provides mathematically-based answers that forecast specific impacts based on your unique circumstances.
Our Forecasting Capability
Our forecasting capability has been proved across multiple disciplines.
Investment analysis tools. Advisor/founder Steve McConnell was the lead on Russell Performance Universes, which was the Russell Company’s best-selling software tool of all time. (This was an analysis tool, not a forecasting tool.)
Covid forecasting. The covid forecasting model that Steve McConnell created was ranked the fourth most accurate US covid forecast model by a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and the third most accurate according to Royal Society Open Science.
Software estimation/forecasting. Steve McConnell was lead author of SPC Estimate Professional, which was runner-up for software development tool of the year. Steve also wrote Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art, Amazon’s technical and Internet book of the year in 2006. He invented the term Cone of Uncertainty, which is now regularly used in weather forecasting.
Investment forecasting. Steve has applied his Cone of Uncertainty concept to investment forecasts. Rain Dog will provide you with Cone of Uncertainty forecasts for your investment growth and income, along with other unique analytics that will help you to fully understand your investment plan and all of its implications.